Course Language
English ‎(en)‎
Time Required
1 hour
Course Type
Online/Internet Based
Course Fee
Free of charge
Course Access
Open for enrolments

The Capability to Plan and Implement a Business Strategy

Imagine that you are building a major project using the plastic Lego toys. It could be a large building, a beach resort, or a complicated spaceship or submarine. You can’t just start stacking random pieces on top of one another and hope that everything will work out. Before you do anything, you need to create a plan of what you will do, one step at a time. Only after having completed this plan can you start assembling the pieces, all while making sure that they are appropriate and fit for purpose.

Just like creating a Lego project, company managers need to have a comprehensive understanding of their business so they can plan and identify a strategy that is going to be effective for their company to achieve its long-term goals and stay competitive in the market. Determining who is responsible for what, using resources effectively and being ready to adapt to unforeseen situations are all necessary steps when deciding how to allocate resources to achieve specific goals – in other words, to plan and implement a business strategy! In this module, we will present the processes you need in order to have the capability to plan and implement an effective business strategy for your business.

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

Identify the key processes that build your business’ capability to identify critical business processes;
Identify the symptoms of underperformance regarding each of this capability’s five processes; and
Assess your business’ performance in adapting and implementing new strategies when needed.